Ok, our product list is finally up on the main group blog, now you can order products from there online!
http://liliumvisuals.wordpress.com/products/Enjoy the list XD
Anyways, It's being damn busy recently, there's 4-5 drawings I have to complete within this week/month, but ah well at least it means I'm on the right track to where I wanna be XD.
Lots of good news happening recently XD although there's still a far distance to my goal but it's getting close. Ah well time to work harder I guess.
and lastly Thanks to whoever reads my blog at the moment, and Thanks to
Nic for Inviting me to group and constantly bring food to my place.
Zhen for technical support, sponsoring, arranging random gather out and advertising.
Fu for all kinds of help and hardwork in convention
Ron for help during the printing in mini-animania (I would probably lose my motivation to draw already if I failed to print before mini)
AT for your free bootleg stuff XD
Sophie for providing idea and correction of my artwork.
Kenshi for providing me translation and suggestion in Japanese pixiv
茶几 for production and help in convention
Iko for free lunch within manifest
Koru for constant mental support within the 3 years and intention of helping in voice over.
Mr. B for always trusting that I will become a Hentai artist(but no I'm only gonna go ecchi)
Ethan for hardcore Criticism
Kyrus for extreme hardcore Criticism
Iz for enduring my constant bully
Miki for composing the song for galgame(but I'm really sorry about the project being delay/canceled)
and others who supported me but failed to get on list cos I have such bad memory and all the customers who bought stuff from me.
I need your support for the rest of year and future.
Thanks XD.
Now, click the donation button please = v =(hits by flying brick)